
The idea for Schools BI came about after our experiences in schools, watching them struggle to compare and analyse data across their establishment(s). It turns out that school data is a minefield!

Picture this...

What would you do if Ofsted asked to see the attendance data for your year 9 Pupil Premium students? Or the exclusion stats for students who receive free school meals?


The mere idea of it sends shivers down the spine, conjuring images of hours spent trawling through disparate data sources, each presenting its unique format and challenge.


It was from these moments of frustration that Schools BI was borne. We couldn’t sit idly by while our fellow educators grappled with the inefficiencies of manual data processing, so with a shared vision to simplify school analytics and empower educators, we created Schools BI.

Twists and turns

Along the way, we realised that a one-size-fits-all approach just wouldn’t work. Every school and trust has its own distinct needs and preferences when it comes to analytics.


Crafting bespoke solutions tailored to unique requirements that support educators in smaller schools to MATs made sense.


We never lost sight of the core of our mission: a deep-rooted belief in the power of data. When harnessed effectively, school analytics can drive tangible improvements in performance, teaching effectiveness, and pupil outcomes. This belief fuels our commitment to providing you with effortless and intuitive access to your data.


With Schools BI, our specially designed education dashboards enable you to monitor trends at a glance and share critical insights easily.


We all know how important your data is, and used in the correct manner your School or MAT analytics can have a substantial impact on how your educational establishment operates.  However, it needs to be made available to relevant parties, on demand and in a format that is simple to read and easy to comprehend.

The correct usage of data can drive improved performance, result in more effective teaching and influence pupil outcomes.  We want to help ensure that happens.

Using one solution to access and visualise your data is by far the most efficient way of monitoring your school or MAT’s trends.  It significantly reduces the amount of valuable time it takes to collate, process and report on relevant information.

With Schools BI you will have access to specially designed education dashboards so that you can monitor the data you require at a glance, and with the facility to share that information with other senior leaders.

Enhance pupil performance

  • Compare academic performance to school and/or government standards.  Ensure counteractive measurements are put in place when required.
  • Analyse trends in subject selections and the subsequent results in order to boost productivity and performance.
  • Observe behavioural markers to monitor key indicators in areas such as attendance and discipline in order to establish when invention is needed.
  • Scrutinise pupil results across exams in order to determine if they are responding effectively to additional help and amend methods if required.

Streamline Admin

  • Monitor registration numbers and class sizes over time to ensure effective resource planning and funding requirements.
  • Analyse extra curricular clubs and activities such as sports, cooking, homework and dancing to ensure attention is in the correct areas and amend where required.
  • Track ‘wrap-around care’ numbers to ensure appropriate resourcing is dedicated.
  • Track average pupil results by subject, teacher or year group.

What does it mean?

  • Ensure that all stakeholders have access to a single, accurate and current view of key performance indicators that can be easily analysed.
  • Drive effective daily/weekly/monthly/annual decision making and strategic planning.
  • Track success of pre-defined goals and act in advance when necessary.

A well managed Business Intelligence solution can significantly improve efficiency and effectiveness in administration as well as enhance the teacher / pupil experience.

Why do I need Schools BI?

In reality the practicality of pulling data from multiple departments or schools, if you’re a MAT, is that most of you simply don’t have the time required to do this.  So, why not let us help – Schools BI can deliver pre-built standardised or bespoke dashboards that mean you can just concentrate on doing your job and letting the system do its!