Attendance Toolkit

Schools BI’s Attendance Toolkit is a powerful set of dashboards designed to allow senior leaders, pastoral teams and learning tutors access to the data they need to support and improve attendance. Data is collected overnight from your MIS and presented in five powerful dashboards that allow you to get to the data you need within 3 clicks.

The Dashboards

Attendance vs National

  • Compare your attendance data to the latest DfE data, published fortnightly, as well as historical releases from the DfE
  • Select specific terms, school types and subgroups to compare to
  • Truly accurate data benchmarking

Cohort Attendance

  • View the distribution of severe absence and persistent absence and lates across different groups
  • View the students who are in danger of triggering ’10 unauthorised absences in 10 academic weeks’

Year Attendance

  • Designed for senior leaders, pastoral teams, heads of year and others supporting year groups
  • Quickly see key headlines across each year group
  • Dig into attendance codes over time
  • Makes reporting easy

Tutor Attendance

  • Designed for tutors to quickly see the attendance data for their group
  • View overall attendance, investigate different codes over time

“We wanted to have live data at our fingertips at a Trust and Board level. Schools BI will allow us to deliver the highest possible standard of education”

– Trust in Learning Academies (TiLA)

Want the Attendance Toolkit in your School?

Complete the form below and we’ll be in touch to arrange set up.