Data Sharing Agreement
To facilitate the sharing of information and data between Schools BI (us) and your school [The Customer] (you, your). This document forms part of our contract with you (and your MAT/School), by committing to a project and licence subscription with Schools BI, you confirm you understand and accept this agreement.
This data sharing agreement has been drawn up by Schools BI Ltd and intends to set out the data sharing principles which must be agreed and adhered to by both parties; Schools BI and ‘the customer’, during the project and length of the licence agreement, as set out in the proposal.
The objective of this document is to name the data sources to be provided by you and give an overview of the intended use of data by Schools BI.
Schools BI is an online tool that enables a school to instantly access, view and report on internal data, bringing the MIS data ‘to life’ in the form of expertly designed dashboards.
Schools BI automate the data feeds between your MIS (and other sources) and our Power BI dashboards.
In order to meet the product objectives, schools/MATs must share/provide access to the MIS data and in some cases other related systems:
Schools BI use Xporter, Wonde and/or direct API access to integrate with MIS data.
It is the responsibility of the school/MAT to manage and authorise the connection to MIS data via the chosen integration system.
Schools BI takes reasonable steps to ensure that any and all its employee’s and contractors with access to any personal data covered by this agreement, act reliably and professionally in accordance to data protection laws and legislation.
Schools BI employees agree to follow the internal Data Protection Policy and agree to the terms set out within this agreement.
Types of Data and Intended usage of data:
To populate the data dashboards (chosen by customer), Schools BI will undertake the following:
- Collect personal data
- Record and organise personal data
- Structure and store personal data
- Copy personal data
- Retrieve personal data
- Delete personal data
More information on the types of data and how it is used in Schools BI Products & Services:
- The below table sets out the definitions of each type of data provided to Schools BI (category)
- The below table sets out a summary of data used in our Schools BI data dashboard, including the specific data that is extracted for use in our product
- Please note that not all the below categories of data are required in all of our products (further explained below), however by using our integration software to provide access to the data categories you agree to provide the data according to the integration software’s (Xporter/Wonde) permission policy when setting up your Schools BI project. The below table provides a summary of which data is used within which Schools BI product.
Summary Table:

How school/MAT data is used within Schools BI Products and services:
- Schools BI provides different products, and a bespoke service, to respond to the differing level of needs of our vast customer base.
- The data required to fulfil the required products and services may ‘grow’ over time. Customers may start their project with a ‘core’ dashboard subscription and then chose further bespoke dashboards. This sometimes entails further data sources being required. We often refer to such as ‘phases’ and many customers continue their journey with Schools BI with multiple ‘phases’ of work.
Bespoke Data Analytics:
- By the nature of bespoke work, the bespoke dashboards (including assessment) may include all the categories of data, depending on the needs of the customer, but they will only contain data required by the specific customer.
- They may also include other data types not mentioned here, in specific individual agreements with the customer. In this event, this data sharing agreement covers all the data types and categories, including any not mentioned at this point.
Data Dashboard summary table – Schools BI product overview:

Who is responsible for the data?
Schools BI is the ‘Data Handler’, you (your school/MAT) are the data controller
You (your school/MAT) are wholly responsible for ensuring that your data is accurate and reasonably managed, according to your own company’s/School’s policies.
To change or modify any data presented to you via the Schools BI dashboard you should make changes/corrections via your MIS
Tweaks and fixes (to the Schools BI dashboards), to ensure the data is accurately transferred between the MIS and the dashboards, should happen following user access to the first iteration of the dashboard. This is known as the ‘feedback’ phase of the project. The schools BI project manager will ask customers to check the dashboards for accuracy, against their MIS information. Schools BI request that any queries over data accuracy are made during this time, so that tweaks and changes can be made.
Schools BI are unable to make changes to the data held within your MIS.
In the case of data being shared via CSV document, Schools BI will agree the correct format for such, and this should be adhered to by all parties with access to such. You (the school/MAT) are still the data controller.
User level permissions and access:
Access to the platform is managed via a Single Sign On solution. This includes the ability for the customer to limit access to certain dashboards for certain user groups. The detail of this user management will be agreed on a customer-by-customer basis and ultimately access to each user group is managed by the customer via SSO.
The Schools BI data sharing agreement provides details of the overall security standards required of participating organisations to manage the information they receive from other parties under this agreement. These must be respected by all signatories.
All data to be encrypted, transferred via SSL. Sending unencrypted files is not permitted.
Data retention and data lifecycle:
Partners to this agreement undertake that information shared under the agreement will only be used for the specific purpose for which it was shared, in line with this agreement. It must not be shared for any other purpose outside of this agreement.
In each case, the originating organisation remains the primary information owner and record keeper for the information that is shared.
The retention period for the information shared is until notified by the school or within 30 days of account closure.
Schools BI will not release the information to any third party without obtaining the express written authority of the partner who provided the information.
The following destruction process will be used when the information is no longer required:
- Printouts to be kept minimal & be shredded
- Hard deletion for electronic data after 14 days
If a partner leaves the agreement then all data will be deleted with 30 days of account closure and an export provided to the school if requested.